Toying Around Reviews: NECA Batman


NES Classic Batman

Today for our last review of 2016 we will be looking at something that I have been waiting a long time to review, The NECA Batman. This line of NECA figures is based on how they looked back in the old Nintendo days. So sit back and enjoy Batman, as he looked back in the old 1989 NES game


The packaging is made to look like the old Nintendo packaging. You have the Batman name and logo at the top and middle. on the bottom right you have the NECA logo done up to look like the old Nintendo logo, a very nice touch

On the back of the box, you have a little write up done in the same style as it did back in the day on the game box, with some close-up pictures of the figure holding a bat-a-rang and grapnel gun.

a nice touch they also added into the box is when up open the flap up with have a nice picture from the game on the left. On the right you have the figure clearly displayed 

Outside the box:

Here is Batman outside the box


Batman comes with an extra pair closed fist hands, he also comes with bat-a-rang and a grapnel gun


Batman stands just a little over 6.5 inches. 7 inches if you count to the tip of the ears


Size Comparison:

Here is Batman standing with Secret War Captain America and BvS Batman

Final Thoughts:

I am so glad to finally open this figure up and take a look at him, I have had him for almost a year and a half. just never got around to opening him up. I am glad I did, NECA did such an amazing job making him look like he did in the old Nintendo Video game. NECA takes it time with all the figures they make, and Batman here is no exception.

So as stated before, this will be my final review for 2016. Thank you for all the support this year. In the next two weeks I will have up a round-up of all my Toying Around pictures, and then my Top 10 Figures that I reviewed from this year.

Thanks again!

Time for some Toying Around!!!!

Retail cost $19.99

I give NECA Batman a 10/10

~Baby Huey