Toying Around Reviews - TMNT out of the shadows Bebop


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop Review

Today we will be taking a look at the new Bebop figure from the Ninja Turtles out of the shadows to the toy line

Like Kraang and Rocksteady, we will also be getting another one of our favorite TMNT Villians, Bebop! Let’s take a look and see how playmates did the warthog!   


If you have been buying the Nick Turtles toys you what to expect from the packaging because it hasn't changed for the new movie line. The packaging has a yellow and green background, with the log at the top and a picture of all the Turtles on the top left. You have the Bebop figure displayed in the middle with his name located right below him.

The back of the packaging continues the theme from the front while also giving us pictures of the rest of the new TMNT movie line

Outside the box:

Here is a front view of Bebop outside the box


Bebop comes with a chain with a lock on the end and a crowbar 


Bebop stands right at 5 inches tall


Size Comparison:

1st we have Bebop with Nick Turtles Raphael and 2014 Leonardo

2nd we have Rocksteady with Kraang and Bebop

Final Thoughts:

Bebop just like Rocksteady is awesome! His overall look takes you back to that classic feel. The Articulation for a playmates Villain is very good, just like Rocksteady, again. They also didn't skip too much on the paint on the figure too, something playmates love to do with figures that are not the Turtles. I have to say if you spot Bebop in the store pick him up and add him to your collection!

Time for some Toying Around!!!!

The retail cost $8.99

I give Rocksteady a 10/10

~Baby Huey