Posts tagged Scooby-Doo
Fireside Chats Issue 429: Scooby Doo and the Return of the Crew

We are back Firesiders! Today we talk Spider-Man and Sony hearing rumors of Apple and Disney are coming for them, to Scooby Doo learning about HIS multiverse, to all the comic TV shows around the corner. From Joker battling Rotten Tomatoes, to Doomsday Clock coming to a close. Let’s get back into the swing of things.

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Fireside Chats Issue 154: Luke Un-Caged

Hello Firesiders! Thank you for picking up Issue 154 of Fireside Chats. Mendte and Mr. Maurer are without P. Features in this Issue. It seems as though Late-Shift has the upper hand yet again. But fear not Fireside Faithful, your crew of comic connoisseurs are joined by French the Gypsy. There is no other way to start the issue other than talking Netflix. More specifically, Luke Cage. The spoiler-free discussion starts with first impressions, symbolism, serendipitous connections, and what to expect in the future for Luke Cage. Diving into other Netflix news we have Punisher updates and then Bat in the Sun's first foray into comic TV (sort of). That's just TV news. In comics we have a celebration for 2000 AD's milestone issue, Scooby-Doo tackles the multiverse, DC locks down another big-time creative, and Wonder Woman confirms what everyone already assumed. Not to be left out the crew talk movies. Diving into some exciting Wolverine news and Doctor Strange's living accessory. All this and more, Welcome to Fireside.

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