Fireside Chats Issue 522: The Overcompensating Spider-Jawn


Welcome back Fireside faithful. We are still getting the our feet back under us, but that new news is only new until its replaced with new new news. So while this will be our only show this week, we have plenty to chat about. Join Mendte, Baby Huey, and (back from an Electro induced blackout) P. Features as they serve up an hours worth of that Comic Related Current Events that can’t wait another week. From Valiant’s relaunch of Harbinger, the Season 10 Finale of The Walking Dead, The X-Men, The G-Men, and Kamala Khan - all the way to Jamie Fox changing the way we look at the future of the MCU. We have a lot to go over, let’s jump into it. Hit play and Welcome to Fireside.